Bryan Liao Work "Blog"

Thinking out loud: Building habits to quit my job

Posted On: 2023-10-01

Work has really burnt me out, but on the flip side it’s made me motivated to build an escape hatch for myself. Rather than take the “normal” path of quitting my job and getting a better one, perhaps I can build one for myself instead🤔 What are habits I could develop that would allow me to quit my job effectively?

For starters, actually thinking more about problems and recognizing potential solutions is kind of the core of being an engineer in my opinion. Personally, I’d rather solve problems at smaller scales and try to make things better from the bottom up.

I’m generally awful at posting stuff online, but if I don’t even have the nerve to post to my own website why even bother trying? I want to become more comfortable with publicizing my work, good or bad. Therefore, I should develop of posting progress and learnings online.

Let’s start there and see how far I go.